Many Thanks to Pat Curo (Barona)

for all his great classes and helping me understand this story.

This is a Ted Curo story (Mesa Grande). There are some really strange things.

The grammar is really complicated. I kind of got it, after a while. the word "vech" is used a lot.

The the "ch" is emphasis and the "ve"  can be described as "the." Not too many people use this.

I think my Grandma may have told me this story, when I was Little.

I don't remember much. You can consider this my take on the story.

Then the Coyote said to Mister Rooster Look at me
Along time ago the Indian people didnt have chicken coops Heyaa ipavech gayeen nyewaa nyechewiich umaaw
The Chickens slept in a tree Gayeenvech 'ily pehshamup
One morning the rooster Maaykally sin, 'likwich Kuttaattvech
Was sleeping in a tree then saw ily hemaa tewaa nyaapum ums
The coyote was walking then looked up a tree Hattepaa tuuyiw Hattepaavech pehkwiis ily emaaym um
Mr Rooster wasnt paying any attention to the Coyote likwich Kuttaattvech achepayh umaaw Hattepaavu
He was spinning and hoped Mr Rooster would get dizzy and fall then he could get him Apekwirp tewaah likwich Kuttaattvech semiiraayh aashukph nyaapum Hattepaavech weyuuwh
The Coyote Looked up and said Why arent you looking at look at me Hattepaavech emaaym um nyaapum wiis Uuch mum temewaa Enyekewuuw
Mr Rooster Said I see a man coming this way Yes I see a Man and hes carrying a gun Tikwich Kuttattvech wiis Iikwich ehin weyiws prewii Een, iikwich ehin weyiw Epal heyan
Looks like yes thats what it is perewii Haa epalches
The Coyote said Is it far Hattepaavech akekwiis Ekurchu
Mr Rooster said coming right there close Tikwich Kuttaattvech wiis Pehii helyepay weyiws
The Coyote said Then one day Ill be back see you later Hattepaavech wiis Nyaapum kupilly ehin epuwkh nyewuuwh
The end Peyápaches